Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Eastern States 20 Miler

Last weekend my buddies Jeff and Pat convinced me to run the "Eastern States 20 Mile Run," which goes from the Maine/New Hampshire border to the NH/Mass border. It was a beautiful course, all along the ocean, and there was still plenty of snow on the ground. Unfortunately, I have run a handful of times in the last month and can not claim any significant level of fitness. Like an idiot, I went out strong and kept it up for about half the race, after which point all manner of people began to pass me - old ladies, geesers with walkers, infants, you get the picture. Jeff and Pat both had good races (Jeff bettered his half-marathon time and Pat ran 7 miles more than he has before!). We celebrated with fried seafood, beer, and cheesburgers at a local lobster shack. Three days later, I can still barely walk, but we're already looking for the next race...


Shaka finish!


I feel great!


The reward!

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