Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hi all. So, time for an update on what we've been up to over the last few months. Finally had a chance to download a few pictures and recap a few adventures. First up is the trip that we took to Seattle in August for the wedding of Nikki's cousin, Summer. The wedding itself was a ton of fun (some might argue that I was bordering on too much fun...) and we got to hang out a bit with Summer before and after. We flew out a couple of days early to see the sights - Victoria, the Olympics, and a bit of Seattle proper. In Victoria (which is on Vancouver Island in Canada), we went whale watching for Willy, rode a scooter around town, did a bit of kayaking, and visited the awesomely cheesy miniature world and bug zoo. With Nikki's parents, we hiked up on Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic range - too foggy for a view, but we did see a tasty looking blue grouse (or something like that) to add to Chuck's list. Fun as always to see Nikki's family!!

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